Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hit trial of Tommy Sheridan at the High Court in Glasgow stops play due to illness on the part of the accused, Friday start date mooted

Dear All

The hit trial of Tommy Sheridan at the High Court in Glasgow has temporary stopped due to illness on the part of Tommy Sheridan.

This morning as the court commenced Lord Bracadale, the Presiding Judge told the jury no more evidence would be heard today.

Lord Bracadale said:

“In these circumstances, there is nothing else to do, but adjourn the case until Friday morning”

Lord Bracadale added:

"I have to tell you that Mr Sheridan is unwell. You will see that he is not in court Yesterday afternoon he went to see his doctor who certified that he is unfit to attend court at present. The doctor will review the position on Thursday. Mr Sheridan himself wishes, if at all possible, to continue the trial on Friday. In these circumstances, there is nothing else to do, but adjourn the case until Friday morning."

So the jury gets a holdiay, Tommy Sheridan gets a breather and probably the press will stake out his house in Paisley Road West, Glasgow in case he makes a remarkable recovery and is out and about.

The fight goes on and if you want a seat at the High Court then go early and get your place in the queue because when David Cameron’s spin doctor Andy Coulson is called the case goes international.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. The real answer to this foible is that the 'police motorcycle display team' were double booked.
