Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Glasgow Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson escapes trial by jury as Crown Office say not enough evidence to prosecute

Dear All

It truly is a corrupt country we live in.

A politician arrested over allegations of “inappropriate behaviour” towards a former Glasgow lord provost has had the charges against him dropped.

Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson will not now face a jury of his peers.

Gilbert Davidson was accused of sending suggestive voice mails and text messages to former civic chief and senior councillor Liz Cameron, asking her to share a hotel room with him during a local by-election.

Liz Cameron is another Labour Councillor of shame and a fright! Stick a bolt through her neck and she could do panto as daughter of Frankenstein.

Other allegations against Davidson were that he groped another colleague, Ruth Black, in the City Chambers in 2008, she is another suspended from the Labour Party.

Since there will be no trial the Springburn councillor will now be reinstated.

This is a blow to Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson who acted quickly to try and stamp his authority on the Labour Group.

Those involved will seek to draw a line under the episode because a false show of unity for the Holyrood election 2011 is needed.

Mind you there still might be fireworks as both Mr Davidson and Ms Black, herself also suspended by Labour over financial matters at the gay and lesbian centre she ran, sit together.

She might feel double standards and hypocrisy because she is still under investigation.

A Crown Office spokeswoman said:

“The Procurator Fiscal in Glasgow received information and a report concerning a 68-year-old male in connection with two incidents in 2008 and 2009. After careful consideration of all the facts and circumstances, Crown Counsel concluded that there was insufficient evidence to proceed. We have kept the complainers informed of the decision.”

Not good enough.

The Moorov principle allows corroboration on the evidence of a series of individual complainers to be used in a Court Case; they could have had a bash on that basis.

The Crown Office is run by Elish ‘Labour’ Angiolini in the running for a peerage or gong by the Queen so no surprises her department dropped the case.

Davidson is currently unavailable for comment and will be keeping a low profile.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It would seem that the clique, Cameron & Black, have again failed to bring about a legal challenge against one of their own
    Furthermore, Black in her present situation would be a unrelaiable witness given the nature of the allegations against her and and good lawyer would have a good time and rip her to shreds in the witness box.
    This is also the reason she has not been cited in the Tommy "Tango" Sheridan case as the evidencce from her could be tainyed to say the least so the crown have opted not to cite her for this case. Many will remember that Ruth Black was part of the SSP [arty at the time all this palave happened and it is widely known that during her term with sheridan she was seen to shred a lot of documents concerning SSP party officials, whilst she was centre manager of the lgbt centre in Dixon Street.

    Come on guys, surely GIlbert Davidson has more sence than to try a fire into a lesbian, dont forget, this is one lesbian who really hates guys and i for one dont think Davidson is guilty of this allegation. The case with Liz Cameron might be a bit different but her and Black are the best of pals, as most of her centre The Castro, was kitted out in most of the equipment being donated by Liz Cameron, so pals act and aw that, they will always stick together

  2. SLAB-ridden Angiolini has most of Scotland's Sheriff court holding cells full of Domestic Breach of the peace fit-ups.

    It makes you wonder what happened to all other crimes? What's going on? Is it that the local intelligentsia has become savvy? Salesmen in company cars have stopped speeding?

    The legal system in Scotland is a large hungry animal and requires a stream of constant 'customers'.
