Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Asian Paedophile Gang who targeted children as young as 12 convicted in Derby, 26 victims, the sentences should be draconian and harsh

Dear All

An Asian paedophile gang have been convicted of a catalogue of offences against vulnerable girls who they preyed on and abused.

The Asian leaders Abid Mohammed Saddique, 27, and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat, 28 would target and befriended the girls, plied them with alcohol, then took themto "parties" where they were often used for sex.

26 victims and one was aged as young as 12.

The Asian men were caught following an undercover investigation by Derbyshire Police, dubbed Operation Retriever.

Such was the magnitude that the case was split into three trials.

The third trial has ended and the two ringleaders received more convictions for sex crimes.

In total 13 men was charged and 11 stood trial for a string of charges with 9 of them convicted!

Prosecutor Yvonne Coen QC said:

"They preyed on young girls who were vulnerable, either because of their age and because of their own personal circumstances. They exploited these girls either for their own sexual satisfaction or for their friends."

Juries at the trials were told the victims were mostly schoolgirls.

Asian paedophiles Saddique or Liaqat would predominantly do the targeting embarked on a "campaign of calls and texts".

Once ensnared the children would be plied with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and "sometimes a ride in a flash or sporty car".

Then the girls would be forced to have sex with, or perform sex acts on, various people.

Saddique, of Northumberland Street, Normanton, Derby, was convicted of four counts of rape as well as two counts of false imprisonment, two of sexual assault, three charges of sexual activity with a child, perverting the course of justice, and aiding and abetting rape.

Liaqat, of Briar Lea Close, Sinfin, Derby, was found guilty of one count of rape, two of sexual assault, aiding and abetting rape, affray, and four counts of sexual activity with a child.

Both men also pleaded guilty to causing a person under 18 to be involved in pornography.

Given the number of victims and the offences they will hopefully spent several years in prison.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. well done derbyshire police. Good to see these girls being helped not blamed.
