Friday, October 15, 2010

Tommy Sheridan needs a Trial Lawyer to represent him in Court, he steps up to the lawyers’ lectern, the Judge sends him back to the dock!

Dear All

It was a mistake for Tommy Sheridan to sack his legal team.

The proof of the pudding is a blunder at his trial yesterday.

After advocate depute Alex Prentice, QC finished his spiel, Sheridan left the dock with a bundle of documents making his way to the lawyers lectern to do his bit.

The accused in a Court of Law if they decided to represent themselves must do so from the dock.
On spotting the error, trial judge Lord Bracadale said:

“I think I would prefer you to do it from there.”

The dock.

So, Sheridan had to make his way back to the dock and after he apologised to the Court.

He said that he was concerned about the projection of his voice to the court.

It seems even that doing a law degree hadn’t properly prepared Sheridan for trial work.

Can’t stand in the right place in a Court room!

Back to the action, he was cross examining Joanna Harvie, 33, a former member of the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) and journalist.

He started off with a cute intro:

“What do you think of the News of the World?”

Ms Harvie replied:

“I don’t read it, I don’t respect it.”

And doesn’t work for it!

Sheridan then went on to ask if it would be “scandalous” if someone were to use the tabloid to spread a story about a socialist.

At this point, I would say that Sheridan is grasping at straws, newspapers are in the business of selling newspapers, anyone is fair game and if the story is deemed public interest more so.

Do the revelations about Sheridan’s alleged private life pass the public interest test?


And how is it “scandalous” to write a story about a socialist?

If you want to make an arse of yourself, do it before you enter politics, now while in public life.

Take the David Cameron approach, the past is the past.

Sheridan, then failing to establish that the News of the World was scandalous went on to the encounter between Ms Harvie and Duncan Rowan, a fellow SSP activist.

Rowan spilled his guts to the News of the World that Sheridan was having an affair with SSP member Katrine Trolle.

No socialist hero of the month badge for him.

Ms Harvie said:

“I told him [Mr Rowan] he had made a terrible, terrible mistake.”

And I would add none of his business.

Sheridan in full flow continued:

“You didn’t care that he had been to the News of the World because he had been there to do me in?”

What has this tripe got to do with fact?

Ms Havrie then injected:

“He had reacted in a way that was silly, so so silly. He had put himself in a ridiculous position and that was a terrible, terrible mistake.”

Acting like a tosser can do that!

Ms Harvie added:

“When he came back to the office that afternoon, he said he had done it. This was a boy who was hurting, he was hurting really bad.”

After that it was on to the SSP meeting called to discuss court citations sent to four party members, requesting that all records of a meeting held on November 9, 2004, be handed to the court.

Sheridan asked:

“As a group of members of the executive, what did you decide to do?”

Ms Harvie:

“After a long discussion, there were different points of view, we voted in the end that Alan McCombes take full possession of the minutes and refuse to hand them in.”


“You conspired to commit contempt of court?”

I think Sheridan is getting carried away with himself, Harvie isn’t in the dock, he is!

Harvie replied:
“We did not conspire. We wrote it all down. It certainly wasn’t a secret plot. It was our decision.”
Another bad day for Tommy Sheridan at the High Court, so far those against him are the News of the World, the Crown Office, the Judge, the Crown witnesses and even Sheridan himself as his own defence lawyer.

For fuck sake son, get a trial lawyer because you are getting legally fucked up the arse with a dick the size of an elephant.

And that seems a self evident fact.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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