Saturday, October 9, 2010

Red Ed makes first major political blunder; lightweight Scot Jim Murphy appointed Shadow Defence Minister, qualifications, Celtic season ticket holder

Dear All

I like a laugh as do most people, Red Ed Miliband who has got off to a shaky start as Labour leader has effectively drove a truck through the shop window of the Labour Shadow Cabinet.

He has made a right howler in giving the Shadow Defence brief to Jim Murphy.

Jim ‘the white skull’ Murphy is Scotland’s first Catholic, Jewish, Muslim MP, got a religion and a vote, Jim will be banging on your door to get it.

Many faiths, one person (at election time)!

Murphy has been appointed as shadow defence secretary so what special abilities does he bring to the role?

Murphy is a season ticket holder at Celtic Football Club and captains the Parliamentary Football Team.

So, he knows about attack and defence on a bit of flat grass with a ball full of air!

And probably what the offside rule is.

Terrorists are definately offside.

A keen Celtic fan, he will bring a wealth of talent (not) to what is one of the most serious jobs of the Shadow Cabinet.

Now Celtic Jim is going to try and convince us that he is a war leader!


Other Scottish lightweights in the Red and Dead Cabinet are Douglas Alexander, part of the famous 'Alexander brothers' political duo of Paisley, his sister Wendy being the other half and rumoured to be more of a man than Douglas.

And Ann McKechin (who scares the horses).

Champagne socialist MP Douglas Alexander gets appointed to shadow the work and pensions portfolio against Iain Duncan Smith.

Iain Duncan Smith is a heavyweight in this area and Alexander is well plain crap.

The MP for Glasgow North, Ann McKechin, has been given the job of shadowing the Scottish Secretary, Michael Moore.

Poor Michael Moore, not even someone decent to cross political swords with, the shame.

Don’t expect much from Ann McKechin, she is political dross.

And if Labour win the Holyrood election in 2011 and start their cuts agenda, she will be blaming the Tory/Lib Dem coalition.

She is just a sycophant.

Red Ed has appointing a Cabinet of the Dead; losers, failures and sycophants from Scotland, it is so bad, it really is barrel scrapping!

If this is the ‘new generation’ then David Cameron is in for an easy ride in Westminster.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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