Monday, October 11, 2010

Glasgow University Legal Practice Director Douglas Mill runs up £2,241.75 expenses bill, hardly university poverty espoused by their corrupt Principal

Dear All

Remember corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli of human rights abusing Glasgow University pleading poverty and saying the university is running out of taxpayer cash by 2013.

Here is an example of where Scottish taxpayers’ cash is going at Glasgow University.

The Glasgow University expenses bandwagon acquires another mouth to feed.

Former Law Society Chief Douglas Mill is now at Glasgow University.

This information is in the public domain at:


3.12.09 Lunch with staff from another University to arrange joint event 3 £45.00
15.12.09 Lunch with sheriff and two external lawyers-members of interview panel 3 £38.00
8.2.10 Lunch with editor of magazine and marketing dept to arrange publicity for events 5 £57.00
16.2.10 Lunch for 2 external solicitors to arrange speakers for course 3 £38.25
9.2.10 Dinner for Judge and QC- speakers at Life in Law conference 6 £250.00
23.2.10 Dinner for judge, Sheriff, speakers at Law in Law conference 6 £375.00
9.3.10 Dinner for Sheriff and other guest speaker at Life in Law conference 6 £250.00
4.3.10 Lunch for Sheriff, trainer, solicitors and three staff 13 £100.00
21.4.10 Dinner for external tutors following training 6 £115.00
21.4.10 Lunch with solicitor to discuss upcoming conference and PEAT II issues 2 £22.90
9.4.10 Lunch with staff from legal publication to discuss publicity for diploma 3 £43.30
9.6.10 Dinner for guest speakers after training event 6 £143.50
28.5.10 Travel expenses to Perth for Diploma co-ordinating meeting £50.40
22.6.10 Snacks for Private Law training event £20.90
3.9.09 Lunch for senior tutors 6 £134.90
17.11.09 Law Society retention fee £70.00
30.3.09 University of Strathclyde CELTS conference £70.00
28.5.09 PEAT 1 collaborative conference £40.00
12.6.09 UKCLE conference fee £85.00
28.1.10 Travel expenses to UKCLE conference. Warwick. £75.00
15.1.10 Lunch with external interviewer 3 £62.60
06.10.09 Lunch with solicitors to discuss student placements 5 £85.00
5.10.09 Lunch with senior tutors 6 £70.00

Total £2,241.75

I wonder if he has ever heard of the concept of the packed lunch!

And this is what corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli is fighting to protect, the cushy privileged lifestyle, hardly poverty.

Explains why they can't pay back money stolen from ordinary working class Scots such as myself.

You can read how Glasgow University senior management steal money here.

The funding debate isn't about Scottish education, it is all about keeping the privilaged in the lap of luxury while in higher education. All political parties are being led by nose because they aren't even prepared to do a proper investigation.

Yes, we are poorly served by politicans, no political will to tackle this situation.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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