Friday, October 1, 2010

Elish ‘Labour’ Angiolini stands down after next May's Holyrood election, in time to manoeuvre herself into getting a peerage, Scotland 2010 corrupt

Dear All

Elish ‘Labour’ Angiolini is stepping down from her post after next May's Holyrood election.

She should have gone in 2007.

As she is stepping down, I suspect she will be getting a gong or titbit from the Queen for services to something.

The House of Lords is a possibility.

Has Angiolini made Scotland a better place?

No, she is like a hamster running on a little wheel, all the effort produced nothing.

Angiolini, said:

"I can think of no more fitting occasion than this conference to announce that I will stand down from office at the next election, and to thank those who work tirelessly to achieve improvements in the criminal justice system for their dedication and skill. This last decade has been a time of great change for the Scottish prosecution system, during which we have worked together with other agencies across disciplines to build a justice system which better serves victims and witnesses, and deals more effectively with serious crime”.

What a load of shit, is she trying to convince herself?

Labour Angiolini added:

"I hope we have formed a strong foundation on which we can continue to build in the months and years ahead. I would like to thank all those who work so hard across the Scottish criminal justice system to make this possible."

I don’t think Shirley McKie would say so.

Angiolini was appointed Solicitor General in 2001 by the last Labour/Liberal Democrat administration weren’t particularly known for their justice stance, during the Shirley McKie case, everyone was working as hard as possible in the justice system to put an innocent woman in prison.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. As an aside does she have anything to do with the perpetual delays in the last al-Megrahi appeal?

  2. ....or the D notice slapped on Scottish press reporting of the Hollie Greig story?

  3. I think Mrs Cleaver has it correct sussed as it were

  4. The Domestic Breach of the Peace she invoked is totally abused...
