Thursday, October 7, 2010

David Cameron raises the issue of Al Megrahi release at Tory Conference, his appeal should have went forward in the interests of justice

Dear All

One of the issues which will be used by unionist parties during the Holyrood election is the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi.

This is an issue that interests a lot of people in Scotland and beyond.

270 people were murdered by terrorists.

Politicians will use this issue to try and bolster their chances for themselves and their parties at the next Holyrood election.

I supported the decision to release this man on compassionate grounds but so that he could have every opportunity to have a fair and impartial appeal.

I like many others wanted to see him go through with his appeal because I recognised that to not do so would be a problem which would resurface in the future.

George Laird was right again.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi is an issue which will probably feature during the Holyrood 2011 election.

I believe that if the appeal had gone through there would be several issues that would support a decision of miscarriage of justice.

The decision to release and send home Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi like all releases on compassionate grounds is a judgement call.

It was not a judgement I would have made until his appeal was concluded.

Scottish justice demands that not only is justice done, it has to be seen to be done.

David Cameron used his speech during the Tory Conference to launch his strongest attack against the decision last year to release al Megrahi.

The man was convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, the worst mass murder in Scottish history.

Cameron said:

“The sight of that man, responsible for the Lockerbie bombing, the biggest mass murderer in British history, set free to get a hero’s welcome in Tripoli. No. It was wrong. It undermined our standing in the world.”

Cameron added:

“Nothing like that must ever happen again.”

This part is rhetoric because under the devolution settlement judicial powers have been transferred to Holyrood.

Scots makes their own decisions right or wrong.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. When Mr Magrahi (sic) was charged in 1991, I doubted whether he had had anything to do with Lockerbie. My brother had been killed by Libya in 1989 and the evidence against the country seemed to be and has been shown continuously to be secure. Not so Lockerbie.

    Many years later in the mid-2000s I worked out that Pan Am 103 had been destroyed by a joint operation between the US and Iran involving the CIA and Pasdaran, to give Iran its revenge for IR-655, the Iranian Airbus and get HW Bush elected at prsenet, You can read my theory at
