Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Labour’s star ‘bam’ George Foukles to quit Holyrood, Whitehall braced for avalanche of meaningless FOI requests

Dear All

One of the star ‘bams’ that haunts the Holyrood Parliament is Lord George Foulkes, the King of the FOI request.

Foulkes is one of the reasons why Holyrood fails to light the heather.

Every time he opens his mouth, the institution falls further in the eyes of the general public.

There was nothing too inane and stupid that he wasn’t prepared to ask in the Chamber.

Now, he is going, not out of public life but quitting Holyrood in favour of the House of Lords.

Foulkes, a Lothians MSP said:

"I have made it clear my name is not to go forward even for an allegedly 'unwinnable' seat."

Foukles should never have got elected in the first place.He now plans to focus his political efforts in the House of Lords to tackle the Con/Dem coalition as part of a campaign by Labour Peers to be an ‘awkward squad’.

George Foukles stated;

"I intend to join the growing group of Labour Peers who believe we must mount an even more robust campaign in the Lords against a Con/Dem coalition, which is increasingly arrogant and insensitive."

Which is why so many Labour MPs are taking up juicy roles for the Con/dem Government, they found a home!

Labour Holyrood leader Iain Gray says Lord Foulkes would be:

"sorely missed not just by the Labour group but by the Scottish Parliament itself".

I would have to agree, politics is a serious business so who is the next clown to provide light relief?

Mr Gray added that Foukles bought a wealth of experience to Holyrood from his years at Westminster and in government.

I prefer to think of him as a complete arsehole and waste of space using up valuable oxygen.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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