Thursday, August 19, 2010

Labour Party start their Holyrood campaign, quangocrat greed at Scottish Enterprise, populist policy attracting instant public support, smart move

Dear All

It is a scandal that has been going on for years and they have been pissing on us without having the decency to call it rain.

It is civil servants, quangocrats and their bonuses.

We are continually told that these payments are needed to attract the ‘best’.

Can anyone say given that we live in a corrupt society that they have improved our quality of life to such an extent they deserve more than their salary?

I would say firmly no.

It is now time to end the culture of greed which is ingrained in the quango and civil service.

Scottish Enterprise is a Scottish Government agency; its chief executive Lena Wilson recently received a £234,000 pension-pot top-up.

The way the corrupt system in Britain works is this, someone like Wilson would join an agency, they would do a five year stint before moving on elsewhere to take another post, however in her case she has been fast tracked through the agency.

Generally in quangoland people move before a damning report criticises their handling of their agency or department.

Then the ‘new’ broom takes over and they get their feet under the table and start taking the money and perks.

Labour placemen and women are a hallmark of this culture, when Blair took over there was a drive to replace people with friends of the Labour Party.

How ironic that now Labour is calling for action.

Labour’s John Park said it was unacceptable “for such huge amounts of taxpayers’ cash to be splashed around when everyone else is having to tighten their belts”.

Was he speaking out about Labour Councillors at the SPT?

Strangely quiet as I recall on that issues, meetings set up to coincided with football matches.

Scottish Enterprise’s annual report shows that Lena Wilson enjoys a salary of £191,000.

She tells us in an interview that she is humble, £191,000 a year worth.

Others at Scottish Enterprise are also coining in ridiculous salaries:

Former chief financial officer Hugh Hall was paid £174,000;
industry and policy manager Paul Lewis £132,000;
managing director (operations) Jim McFarlane £152,000;
business networks and communications director Linda McDowall £102,000.

This is bullshit, three quarters of a million pounds on 5 individuals.

So, what does £51 million achieve?

The Scottish Enterprise report said it had exceeded its performance targets, including the creation of 2111 jobs.

Soon there will be a Holyrood election; the Labour Party might go with the unacceptable greed of the quango and civil service system to attract instant public support.

Once they take that ground, other political parties will struggle to make head way.

The Westminster election was a wake call to other Scottish political parties, student union bullshit politics don’t work.

Lena Wilson, £191,000 a year is a typical example of the quango system; her bio is standard, held a range of non-executive positions in business, arts, sports and voluntary organisations. She is currently a board member of the Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust, Ambassador for the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, a member of the management committee of the Tartan Clef foundation, and advisory board member of the University of Strathclyde business school.

That is how corrupt Britain works social interacting networks exist where people like Wilson walk into positions that ordinary people don’t even know exist.

Scottish Enterprise is a joke, is Wilson worth £3,673 a week?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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