Thursday, August 26, 2010

Labour MP Tom Harris finds a new cause to live for as 'war on terror' opens up a new front at the offices of the IPSA, Glaswegian jihad

Dear All

It is a fact of life that people don’t like others looking over their shoulders.

Westminster MPs are no exception.

The Westminster expenses scandal flagged up so much abuse that Gordon Brown in an attempt to try and claim the moral high ground set up the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority.

But he headed it up with a Labour placeman Sir Iain Kennedy, who was famously described by Alastair Campbell as a ‘party person’.

The new regime was set up in a hurry and immediately proved to be unsatisfactory.

It’s Labour, it doesn’t work should be the motto over their front door.

Since the IPSA has been going tensions between MPs and them have been laid bare with accounts of how politicians swore at staff and reduced them to tears.

A poster boy of hate is Labour MP Tom Harris, Glasgow South who under the previous system got knocked back for claiming for a cot.

I blogged on he could use his own money to pay for a cot on his site, since then he banned me, obviously my ‘rebel’ talk upset him.

As the poster boy of hate for the IPSA, he continuously goes on about scrapping it.

It seems that MPs having to justify spending our money has provoked outrage and has lead to angry scenes down the IPSA.

As the stricter regime begins to bite angry parliamentarians are allegedly swearing at staff doing their job!

One bright spark, pre martyrdom shouted out the current system was an “abortion”.

Another female MP swore and said:

“I’m going to murder someone today.”

No reports of murder so far.

In attack is the best form of defence; Politicians have accused staff at the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) of behaving like secret police.

Presumably MPs think money should be handed over no questions asked.

A record of 10 incidents of abuse show how the authority employees have been called “idiots” by foul-mouthed MPs.

It seems that the new ‘war on terror’ is being conducted on British soil at the offices of the IPSA.

Other incidents of MPs being rude when staff fail to answer their queries and a hysteric incident when staff were branded ‘monkeys’ show a deep contempt for the new gatekeepers of cash.

The abuse has gotten so bad that a backbencher, Denis MacShane, who represents Rotherham is said to have reduced a female volunteer to tears 10 minutes into his induction.

Didn’t McShane campaign against abuse against females being exploited?

The female volunteer had to be pulled away at which point McShane allegedly became apologetic, so much so he went back later with a note and a box of chocolates.

What MPs in the shape of Tom Harris want is the removal of the IPSA so he continually stokes the fire.

Some MPs want a return to unaccountability and the rubber stamp.

The system should be fair, transparent and accountable.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. GOOD NEWS FOLKS: I now have a lawyer and he agrees I am being harassed for no reason by Strathclyde Police and Northern Constabulary's Chief Constables and Officers. My Human Rights and Employment Rights have been violated over the last six years. My lawyer is preparing an action for £1.2Million pounds against GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, and £800,000 against STRATHCLYDE POLICE AND NORTHERN CONSTABULARY Police forces and their corrupt Chief Constables. Yes! Finally the public will know what these corrupt people have been doing to me for the last 6 years. See you all in court scumbags! All the pain will be worth it to see these people squirm and lose their jobs and perhaps even go to jail. You know who you are (Philippe Schyns, Paddy O'Donnell, Sir William Rae, Dr Stephany Biello, Mr McClure, Mr Ian Latimer of NORCON)

    John M
