Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson arrested and charged as ‘assgate’ widens, Labour suspend him, the 'Curse of Purcell' lingers

Dear All

‘Assgate’ has taken a dramatic turn!

Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson has been arrested and charged over allegations of inappropriate behaviour.

The inappropriate behaviour is alleged to have happened between him and to another Labour Councillor of shame Liz Cameron.

Davidson will now face criminal prosecution and if convicted his political career will be finished.

The Police are investigating whether he sent suggestive voice mails and text messages to Cameron, asking her to share a hotel room with him.

As usual when Glasgow Labour Party sleaze hits the headlines, they have taken action to bury and distance them from the scandal.

Davidson has been suspended by the Labour Party.

Their statement is short:

“Councillor Gilbert Davidson has been suspended from the Labour Party with immediate effect. As a police investigation is now ongoing it would be in-appropriate to comment further.”

So, it seems that Davidson is heading towards the political wilderness and in due course anti Davidson stories will appear from anon Labour sources.

The alleged offence against Cameron is supposed to have taken place during the by-election in the Drumchapel area of Glasgow last year.

The by-election was caused by the ‘Prince of Powder’ Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell who fled the City and the Police after his cocaine problem hit the headlines.

The Curse of Purcell lingers on like a bad smell.

As well as Cameron, another Councillor, Ruth Black, claimed she had been indecently assaulted by Davidson within Glasgow City Chambers.

The Police are not investigating this as there is no witness but this situation may change now that Davidson has been charged.

The Moorov principle!

The Moorov principle allows corroboration on the evidence of a series of individual complainers.

Black could be a witness against Davidson if called by the Crown Office.

Davidson was arrested at his home in the Springburn area of Glasgow yesterday morning by the Police.

Strathclyde Police spokeswoman said:

“We can confirm that a 67-year-old man has been arrested and charged with an alleged breach of the peace in connection with a police inquiry being carried out at Glasgow City Chambers and a report will be submitted to the procurator-fiscal.”

The options for Davidson are stark:

1/ Plead guilty and get a reduction in sentence under 196 (1) section of the Criminal Procedures (Scotland) Act 1995.

2/ Plead innocent and take his chances before the Court.

3/ Flee the country and live somewhere else like Ronnie Biggs.

If the information is correct that Cameron kept hold of both text and voice messages allegedly left on her phone by Davidson, his lawyer would probably say that option 1 is the best bet.

It seems that the ‘Curse of Purcell’ will stalk the City Chambers and Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson’s tenure seems jinxed.

It is the fall of Rome in Glasgow, people need to wake up and take a serious look at who is standing for political office in this city.

‘Assgate’ is set to bubble away in Glasgow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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