Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Judge Christopher Ball passes four and a half year sentence on teenager who admits 662 offences, offender just smirks

Dear All

Bradley Wernham is 19 years old, he is a serial offender.

Previously Crown Court in Chelmsford he admitted to 17 counts of theft and burglary and asked for another 645 to be taken into account.

He received as a sentence a three-year community order for that.

Finding himself back before Judge Christopher Ball QC, who originally sentenced him, Wernham was sentenced him to four and a half years in prison and six months for the new crime.

He initially avoided jail last year because of a new scheme Essex Police were trialling to try and turn young teenagers away from crime.

Instead of prison, the force recommended Wernham was given education, training and close supervision by the Probation Service in a bid to stop his offending.

That didn’t work but this is the type of scheme which is needed to turn offenders around.

Some people are just plain bad and deserve prison, Wernham has become a career criminal, he is also by his actions made himself unemployable.

No one will employ him with 662 convictions.

What went wrong in this case was the selection process; Wenham slipped through the net.

The judge praised the scheme as he passed sentence on Wernham citing his immaturity was to blame for its failure.

Ball said:

"You cast yourself as a victim and you're not. The public are the victims of your offending and you are responsible for it - no-one else. Until you are a man, or man enough to appreciate that fact, there will be little hope in you changing your conduct."

Wernham smiled as he was led away to begin the sentence.

Prison is the correct place for Bradley Wernham, one day, perhaps he might wake up and change his ways.

I doubt it personally, he is a predator.

He should have also been sentenced to be tagged for five years after release.

The idea that when caught, you cough to your crimes to ‘clear the books’ should be stopped by the CPS.

Every crime should be dealt with separately and sentences should not be allowed to run concurrent.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Chris ball's father in law used to run the prosecutions in Snaresbrook and divide much of the work to his family
