Friday, August 13, 2010

Centre run by suspended Labour Councillor of shame Ruth Black to be shut down, organised crime links, drugs and cronyism, Glasgow Labour Party 2010

Dear All

Things just keep going from bad to worse for suspended Labour Councillor of shame Ruth Black.

The publicly funded gay and lesbian centre headed by her is set to close and is being evicted from its premises.

The reason for this is that a range of financial irregularities have been uncovered by an investigation.

Black was a close political ally of the ‘Prince of Powder’ Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell who had to flee the city when his scandal hit the headlines.

The Castro Centre in Glasgow is run by Councillor Ruth Black by a £50,000 funding grant by the Glasgow Labour Council of shame. Questions have arisen how this centre got funding when other established gay and lesbian groups missed out.

Strathclyde Police are now investigating Castro’s finances after a report was passed to them by Glasgow City Council’s auditors.

Black’s long-term partner is Jeannie McDougall who has known links to people in organised crime.

Allegations also have arisen that Black has also been involved in the supply of Class A drugs.

This is a classic case of drugs and cronyism.

In order to make this more of a soap opera, sex has been thrown into the mix, Black made allegations that alleged sex pest and Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson grabbed her arse in the City Chambers.

Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson has since been arrested and charged on another matter, breach of the peace.

Strathclyde Police are continuing to investigate how the contract for Castro was awarded and if Black had a role in the supply of drugs to the ‘Prince of Powder’ Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell’s circle of buddies

A senior source at the city council said:

“There were a number of questions posed to Ruth Black which remain un-answered and these questions have been sent to the cops. This is primarily around how the council grant was spent.”

I wonder if Black kept proper book keeping and receipts.

Irregularities flagged up and uncovered by the council’s auditors include:

1/ the non-payment of tax and National Insurance for staff
2/ employment of a relative, Ms Black’s son contrary to council grant rules
3/ operating with no public or employee liability insurance
4/ concerns about massive phone bills,
5/ irregularities over payments to and from gaming machines
6/ use of the grant to pay for a car

There should be a wider investigation in Glasgow into how jobs, money and contracts ended up going to Labour Party members, relatives, associates and Labour donors.

We aren’t talking pennies; we are talking millions of pounds!

This is the investigation that the Glasgow Labour Party fears, accountability and transparency.

How many Glasgow City Council employees have Labour Party connections?

Someone should be asking the questions and publishing the answers.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Great work. You should put these on Twitter. Let others know.

    Use to shorten the URL.

    Put relevant keywords at the end using #. So it would be #glasgow #labour #scotland

    (of course if the words are in main title already then just put # against it there)

    That way people can find them. See...

  2. Good to see that the months of investigations into the shenannigans at this centre run by Ruth Black are now finally going somewhere and looks as though Glasgow City Council dont want this one covered up. Shame for the centre though as Glasgow does need a venue like this for the LGBT community.
    The fact that her partner has publically admitted that she was an enforcer "aye right ah hear you's say" couldnae enforce a parkin ticket, must just prove that this is the final nail in the coffin as far as Blacks political career is concerned. Being associated with such a person, in a councillors position is detramental to her position in any goverment position and she must realise that is all her own doing by becoming involved with such a character. She will now try and put the derry else where and say she knew nothing about all this...aye right your caught mrs face facts and accept your punishment.
    Labour now need to set an example on these matters and by bringing in the police yet again, is only a small way to help convince the peeps of Glasgow they intend to clean up their act. A bit too late for that i'm afraid, but as they say at tesco "every little bit helps"


  4. Steven Purcell was apparently on drugs while he was making decisions to close Primary Schools in Glasgow. How come our fine Scottish Press didn't pick up on this. Well it might have something to do with the police force hiding it all. They knew what he was doing but kept it all quiet.

    Of course half the editors of the Scottish press are probably coke heads, like their reporters eh.

    Oh, have I said too much.

  5. it doesnt help when its found that The Sun Newspapar have cart blanche when it comes to things to do with Glasgow City Council, this is why they dont really print the REAL issues that effect the council and the people of Glasgow.
    Apparantly the council pay the sun a big chunk of money for media stuff so its no wonder that Purcell chose to give his story to this scab of a paper and not a reputible one that would have done a bit more of digging into the muddy waters of Glasgow City Council

  6. ayes she's no so smug now she?
    After all this was the woman who professed away back when all this came out she had nothing to fear as she hadnt done anything wrong.....hope she's choking on her words now.
    Hope they throw the book at her for this mess she has caused and the misery for the lgbt community who has suffered at the hands of this woman gredd, twice shes been involved with a centre that had to close down, both due to financial difficulites or irregularities.

    Maybe Purcell will give her a job in his new consultancy business that he apparantly set up, no doubt it wont be long before that goes tits up as well

  7. Dear Anon

    I have never used twitter but might consider it for the future but thanks for the suggestion.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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