Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Glasgow Labour Councillor of shame Gibert Davidson accused of being sex pest, Strathclyde Police now investigate 'assgate' at City Council

Dear All

Having grabbed all the jobs and as much money as they could the Labour Party has allegedly made another grab!

This time is it is ass, ‘assgrab’ down at the Labour Council of shame in Glasgow?

Are they too scared and proud to get on the roof at the City Chambers and strip the lead?

It is becoming a familiar story, another week and another Labour Councillor of shame makes the news.

This week Labour councillor Gilbert Davidson steps into the spotlight in ‘assgate’.

The former Lord Provost of Glasgow is to be interviewed by police after claims of indecent assault were levelled against him.

Labour councillor Gilbert Davidson has been accused at the weekend of groping counterpart Ruth Black.

To add to his tale of woe officers will also question Liz Cameron after she said Davidson sent suggestive voice mails and texts messages to her.

It is alleged that Davidson asked to Cameron to share a double room with him on an away trip on Council business.

I wonder if Cameron kept any of the texts as evidence!

Ruth Black, who was effectively sacked by Labour earlier this month over financial irregularities surrounding the council-funded gay and lesbian centre she runs.

Council leader of Shame Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson pulled the plug on the centre and the whip was withdrawn from Black.

At the time of the alleged incident in July 2008, the alleged victim (Black) said Davidson came up behind her in the City Chambers and groped her.

So, what did Jim ‘the undertaker’ Coleman do?

Did he keep a record of the alleged incident?

If not, why not?

Why was such a serious incident not reported to the Police?

Was it logged with human resources?

Were any measures put in place to monitor Davidson around women?

Black said that she dealt with the matter herself at the time by threatening violence against Davidson:

“I said to him, ‘If you ever do that again, I’ll rip your face off’.”

The former leader of the Council of shame Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell, a pal of Black responded to the alleged allegations by refusing Davidson a raise that went with the job of chairing the licensing committee.

At present, Labour Councillor of shame Gilbert Davidson is making no comment as there is a Police investigation into this matter.

He said: “I am making no comment whatso­ever. Thank you for your time.”

Never a dull down at the Glasgow City Chambers were the Labour fiefdom is slowly imploding under the weight of its own sleaze.

Maybe Strathclyde Police should ask for an office there to save them continually driving down and using up petrol.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. well well, will this woman Ruth Black sink any lower? Now that she knows she is about to get booted right out the labour party in gleasga, she is trying to take as many people with her as possible. Bringing Liz cameron, a very close friend and ally into the limelight will do wonders for her cred....aye right so it will, come on guys, who in their right mind would want to slip theit hand onto a woMAN like Ruth Black in the first place.Reporting the incident 2 YEARS after the event is enough to say she is dragging the barrel to save her own skin now, time she went and went NOW, the LGBT Community in Glasgow want NOTHING to do with this woman, neither should the council, Gordon M, get rid of her for once and all and save more embarasment coming Labours way
