Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lecturers vote to strike at University of Guantanamo Bay, Glasgow over 85 job losses, corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli must resign now!

Dear All

The long running dispute at the University of Guantanamo Bay over job cuts hasn’t been settled. Glasgow University staff have voted to take industrial action over proposed job cuts.

Up to 85 university posts in teacher education, biomedical and life sciences and archaeology research are under threat as university senior management take the cowards way out and opt to make people unemployed to cut costs.

They don’t have the brains to turn a profit to save these people, too much like work.

Not only will people lose their jobs but given their specialities they will probably be forced to move home to seek work elsewhere.

The University and College Union (UCU) said 76% of 1,050 members voted to strike and 88.5% also voted for other types of industrial action.

There should do both, previously 250 people lost their jobs under the tenure of Scotch pervert Sir Muir Russell.

You can read how corrupt Russell is here.

As part of the ‘War on Muscatelli’, the corrupt foreigner running Glasgow University as Principals, staff may take measures like work-to-rule, not marking examination papers and disrupting Fresher's Week.

They might want to target the library and computing services, removal of these services causes real problems on campus.

The union says the result of the ballot is "a clear mandate for action".

The question is, winnable?

Unfortunately not, reason isn’t something that Muscatelli and co understand, how far are the staff prepared to stoop to win?

When you fight despicable people, you have to be as despicable as them. If they sink low then you have to sink lower.

I suspect there will be a token protest but in the end the entire university lecturer staff might not hang together on the issue of 85 job losses.

For far too long at Glasgow University, the wrong type of people has managed to get positions within the management.

At Glasgow University cronyism rules, senior university management will stick together; even to the extent of covering for others committing criminal acts!

Mary Senior, UCU Scottish official, said:

"There is a clear mandate for industrial action but we hope that the dispute can be resolved without recourse to strike action. The Glasgow University court cannot ignore its staff and must agree to work together to resolve the situation without forcing job cuts. The university is presently running at a surplus of over £6m a year and UCU members will no longer swallow financial problems as an excuse to sack staff."

Mary Senior doesn’t appear to know the true nature of Glasgow University.

It is truly rotten to the core there.

I met more scum there than I ever did on a housing estate.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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