Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How long should David Laws be banned from government, the sentence should be two years, anything less is inappropriate and insulting to the public

Dear All

When the David Laws scandal broke, I immediately called for him to go from government, because it was the right thing to do.

He broke the rules and had to go.

The explanation fronted by him about his relationship with James Lundie and the need to keep his privacy was rubbish.

Very poor attempts were made to stage manage the story in my opinion, which backfired.

So, the question should be, how long should he be banned from government?

I would say that the ‘sentence’ has to fit the offence.

In that regard two years seems appropriate given the act and the money involved.

£40,000 is no small sum.

Anyone can make a mistake but they should get a second chance.

So, I believe that David should spend the next two years concentrating on his work as a local MP.

Let him prove himself, and keep his nose clean.

Laws said in a statement;

“I have paid a high price for trying to keep my sexuality a secret. Losing your privacy, your Cabinet job and your perceived integrity within 48 hours isn’t very easy. But I accept that I should have been more open and should have set a better example as a public figure”.

And a better example as a public figure is required in the new politics.

If Laws hadn’t jumped I think he would have definitely been fired by Cameron with Clegg’s approval, too much is at stake for the coalition.

Two years may seem excessive but there is a price to pay which the public demand now from politicians.

David Laws made his mistake, but he is paying a price after that he should be allowed to get on with it.

But no more, he has used up his get out of jail free card.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Mistake? He claimed expenses knowing he was in breach of the rules, and even when all the rest of the expenses stuff came out, it didn't occur to him to sort it out then.
    Sexuality excuse is nonsense and offensive.
    Its no mistake when he knowingly and deliberately broke the rules.
