Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Someone using the Dean of Glasgow Uni Vet School's computer visits website using google to do covert searching on corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli

Dear All

A wee while ago I wrote this post,

I had a visitor to my website today, a person using the Dean of the University of Guantanamo Bay Vet School’s computer.; IP address

I remember him when he was an undergraduate in the mid 1980’s.

There he was wandering around in his ‘vet’ check shirt, Sandy Love in his blue windcheater, 20 plus years later he is probably still wearing the same colour, Thomas Carr, tall and gormless looking, Shona McMillan, Tanya McMellin who had a permanent limp and Alison Kerr who preferred animals to people.

The names just let you know I actually was there.

He read this post;

Do you really think that 2 minutes and 58 seconds does it justice?

I don't, even although he has a vet degree and can probably read quickly.

Some of his former vet colleagues denied me justice and a fair hearing, Andrew Nash, David Bennett and of course Andrea Nolan.

Unfortunately I am not familiar with vet terminology but the best way I can describe his work colleagues from the Vet faculty listed above is they are vermin in my eyes.

I hoped he enjoyed reading about his colleagues, and I also hope he will please pass my website on to others.

People should have a truer picture of how the University of Glasgow operates.

The person visiting my site came here using an online search using ‘muscatelli’ via Google, I wonder if the Vet School is facing cuts?

Finally, as to the picture, it is a reminder that Glasgow University Vet School used to kill cows in the open in full view of the passing public.

Right across from one of the car parks that the public could use when delivering little fluffy and spot for treatment!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Vets don't need petsJune 2, 2010 at 10:45 PM

    Killing animals in the open, disgusting George, hope this practice has eneded.

  2. The bullying and bad practice only continued after your time I'm afraid with the SSPCA finding on-going cruelty, the school at that time was told that if they didn't change some of their practices after being reminded on a second visit then the SSPCA would have to report it officially. Only at this point did the practices stop. Staff wise things were not much better and the amount of suicides and suicide attempts amongst staff and students evidenced this in the worst way. The bullying and harassment I experienced wore me down so much I didn't have the strength to officially complain and eventually I just left, I know that's not the way to deal with things but I was just too vulnerable at the time.
    I applaud you for your blog - you have given me a voice and that alone achieves a lot for me on a personal level.
