Monday, January 4, 2010

Muslim Preacher of Hate, Anjem Choudary plans march to insult British war dead and their families

Dear All

The people of Wootten Bassett line their streets to remember the bravery of British Soldiers who have died in Afghanistan.

It is their way of honouring the dead.

The people who stand silently as the coffins pass see this as non political event.

Now, we have the disgusting spectacle of an Islamic hate preacher, Anjem Choudary wanting to defile the memory of the British troops. He wants to organise a march of Islamic extremists through the streets of Wootton Bassett carrying what he describes as 'symbolic coffins'.

Anjem Choudary is part of a radical group Islam4UK who preaches hate calling the brave men and women of our armed forces, Nazi stormtroopers, cowards and murderers.

Previously, Anjem Choudary was a formerly a member of the now-illegal organisation al-Muhajiroun.

He has a big hatred of the west.

As an advocate of free speech, I support the right to protest even if I find the views offensive to me, this march should be banned from taking place in Wootten Bassett.

This isn’t a march about free speech; it is a march about generating racial hatred by extremist muslims.

Choudary is attempting to hijack the town for political purposes, to cause maximum offence and as a recruiting tool because he wants a riot to take place.

To show the strength of feeling against Choudary’s march, a Facebook petition has been signed by almost 200,000 people and its rising.

Peter Fullarton, whose son James, 24, was killed by a Taliban bomb said;

“Not only will it be an incredible insult to our war dead and to the fantastic town of Wootton Bassett, but there could be a riot, white extremists could use it as justification for attacks, people could end up being killed. We lost 108 soldiers in Afghanistan last year. For them, if for nobody else, these sickening plans must be stopped.”

Everything that needed to be said has been said by Peter.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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