Monday, January 4, 2010

David Cameron's war cabinet idea fails to fly, membership only available to London Based Unionist Parties, Scots need not apply.

Dear All

David Cameron had an idea if he wins the General Election and forms a Government.

Inviting the Labour and Lib Dems parties to regular War Cabinets!

As expected this stupid idea was rejected by them.

And of course, the Leader of the Scottish Government, Alex Salmond was to be excluded.

Remember Cameron talking about giving Scots mutual respect?

Remember Cameron talking about Scotland and England being in partnership?

Conservative leader David Cameron announced his cross-party war cabinet plans to try and inspire a sense of unity across the country.

But the facts speak for themselves, Afghanistan is a country under occupation and the UK is a divided country on many levels.

The idea that the ‘Dunkirk spirit’ is still alive in the UK is nonsense.

The English, Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish people want the troops to be brought home.

The war is unwinnable.

Cameron offers nothing on Afghanistan but a crude, ham-fisted attempt to try and silence opposition by offering scraps at a Tory table.

The only issue under discussion is the timetable for removal of British Troops in order to save lives.

What is Cameron’s position?

It is whatever the Americans say their position is.

The Cameron/Tory policy is no change.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It was a silly idea, ill-thought out. Immediately the Liberals asked if that would mean that the party leaders would then be bound by cabinet solidarity... To exclude the heads of government from Ireland, Wales and Scotland was absurd. We have troops fighting there too.

    And, with respect to the troops, there are other very important issues facing the UK... should all the finance shadow ministers and devolved ministers sit in on discussions of how to deal with the catastrophe that is our economy?

    If we reject Labour in the Election, why would we want them in cabinet?

    Silly. Childish. Naive.

    I hope he has better ideas up his sleeve. He's beginning to sound very dubious to me.

  2. Dear Tris

    You only have to look how Cameron has selected his 'Eton' Cabinet to know what he is all about.

    It is a Cabinet of the rich, for the rich by the rich.

    Cameron has no policies of substance, he won't commit to anything.

    Excluding Scotland's Government tells you what future Tory 'respect' for Scotland will mean.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
