Thursday, December 10, 2009

UK Labour Government veto secret minutes of how they wanted to kill the aspirations of the Scottish people's wish for freedom.

Dear All

Remember the argument put forward by the UK Labour Government, ‘if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear’.

Unless of course you are Labour then you have plenty to fear, to that end Jack Straw, the justice secretary has blocked the release of minutes of a 1997 cabinet committee meeting on devolution.

Devolution was supposed to be 'the trick' that would kill nationalism and self determination of the Scottish people.

Holyrood was designed in such a way that the Labour Party thought it could control Scotland forever in a coalition with another party, in this case the Lib Dems as the party of choice.

On May 2007, the SNP won 47 seats in the parliament and the Lib Dems wouldn’t play ball with the Labour Party, leaving the SNP to form a minority government.

Like all Labour schemes, it was incompetent; Wendy Alexander was deeply involved in the preparation of the White Paper and the Scotland Act, along with Labour MP Donald Dewar which explains a lot.

Now, Jack Straw is using the convention of collective cabinet responsibility for decisions to veto release of the Cabinet minutes citing that cabinet responsibility was "at serious risk of harm".

The only other time that Jack Straw has used his veto was to block the release of cabinet minutes relating to the Iraq War.

So, I think we can be pretty certain that the Cabinet minutes are pretty explosive on how the Labour Government was trying to gerrymander the Scottish question of independence in their favour.

The minutes that have been vetoed are from meetings of a committee chaired by then-Lord Chancellor Lord Irvine of Lairg, which held 15 secret meetings May and July 1997.

The British Labour Party has one agenda that is to use Scotland to help prop up its election chances to control Westminister.

To that end they introduced devolution to install the Labour Party as the permanent regional overseers of Scotland.

Devolution is nothing to do with helping Scotland; it was set up to provide another Labour power base and attempt to kill the Scottish fight for independence.

To understand the mindset of the Labour Party, George Robertson, Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland said;

"Devolution will kill Nationalism stone dead”.

Even before entering government plans were already being discussed to keep the Scottish people under London Labour control via their Labour regional overseers in Edinburgh.

The Scottish War of Independence to achieve freedom continues!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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