Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell and the Labour Council of shame, was the contract for running hogmanany put out to tender?

Dear All

Happy New Year!

Well, it would be but under Steven ‘bin laden’ and the Labour Council of shame, Hogmanay revellers in Glasgow face a booze ban.

I wrote a post a while back on Culture and Sport which is led by Jack McConnell’s wife, Bridget.

It was titled;

Bridget McConnell is one of the reasons why Glasgow Sports facilities are so shit’.

For the first time partygoers celebrating the New Year in George Square will banned from bringing their own alcohol to the festivities.

The previous practice was to decant into plastic cups.

The Hogmanay Party was previously organised by Glasgow City Council before they created the unaccountable Culture and Sport. It is the people in charge of Culture and Sport who have decided to stop the practice.

Culture and Sport bosses say they want to be able to control the amount of alcohol being drunk in the square.

It is the size of your wallet which will determine how much alcohol will be drunk by a person once inside the square, not stopping carry outs.

So; if you want a drink then prepare to pay through the nose!

Prices start from about £3 a pop upwards.

I wonder if they will be ripping people off for £3 for a soft drink.

So, where is the incompetent Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame to protect the people's party?

Still trying to crush the poor hard working bin men of Glasgow!

Is it not time that the Hogmanany celebrations were put out to private tender?

Did Culture and Sport, a private company by guarantee submit a tender?

If so, who were the other tenders and where was the tendering process advertised?

If it wasn’t advertised then why is Culture and Sport being exempted from tendering?

Is this another Labour Council that doesn’t operate within the rules?

I think people should be starting to ask questions of what is going on in the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell fiefdom and of Bridget McConnell leadership of Culture and Sport.

Spoiling New Year for Glaswegians is despicable.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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