Thursday, December 3, 2009

Spear of Destiny, Stone of Destiny, now here is the Finger of Destiny

Dear All

Blogging is becoming dangerous at present.

Recently, I wrote an article on ‘Are the Scottish Press targeting SNP supporting bloggers’?

I have found out on Scunnert Nation that the Scottish blogger called “subrosa” has been forced to close her blog due to a unionist stalker targeting her.

I have also been targeted as well, possibly by the same nutcase, who has made threats against me.

I understand that Subrosa had her IP address hacked to discover her real name and address.

Because of this she felt this presented a real threat to her and her family’s security.

Her blog has been advised to close down pending the result of an on going investigation which I hope means the Police.

I read this is the fifth Scottish political blog to close down in the past few weeks.

Wardog, Advancedmediawatch, Universality of Cheese and Moridra have all shut up shop as well.

It seems the Scottish blogging pond is getting smaller.

I wonder if the Scottish Political press will cover this story with the same zeal and gusto that they did pursuing Bruce Newland and Mark McLachlan!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. I doubt the media will. They seem to be acting as the obfuscation wing for the perpetrators.

    It would appear ahead of the election the clampdown has begun.


