Monday, December 14, 2009

Sir Ken MacDonald accuses Tony Blair of acting like a sycophant towards George W Bush, well done for having the courage to speak out

Dear All

Give it a little bit of time and opinions always come out.

Ex-director of public prosecutions, Sir Ken MacDonald has delivered a blistering attack on Tony Blair.

He has accused Tony Blair of "sycophancy" towards President Bush.

Sir Ken MacDonald went further when he called the 2003 Iraq war a "foreign policy disgrace of epic proportions".

On a roll, Sir Ken MacDonald went on to suggest that Blair had used "alarming subterfuge" to mislead the British people.

Strong stuff indeed from a former member of the establishment!

Blair has opened his mouth and said that it would have been right to invade even if it had not been thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

And the result was hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people killed, an entire country destroyed and the moral authority of the west bankrupted.

Sir Ken firing with both barrels said;

“This was a foreign policy disgrace of epic proportions and playing footsie on Sunday morning television does nothing to repair the damage."

It is a PR disaster which could and should turn Tony Blair, the War criminal into a leper in society.

It is rare that someone of Sir Ken MacDonald to be so critical in the public domain but such is the contempt that Blair is held in, even senior figures are now speaking openly against him.

He stated that in his opinion Washington had "turned his head and he couldn't resist the stage or the glamour that it gave him".

Sir Ken added;

"It is now very difficult to avoid the conclusion that Tony Blair engaged in an alarming subterfuge with his partner George Bush and went on to mislead and cajole the British people into a deadly war they had made perfectly clear they didn't want, and on a basis that it's increasingly hard to believe even he found truly credible."

Although Britain’s political establishment doesn’t have the stomach for a war crimes trial, the possibly should be openly discussed.

Tony Blair by any measure of natural justice should face a trial of his peers for what he has done.

At present Tony Blair is grabbing as much cash and power as possible to establish himself as a ‘world leader in waiting’, he should be stripped of his assets and put on trial at The Hague.
Well done Sir Ken MacDonald, hopefully more people will have the courage to speak and do something.

The Iraqi dead are crying out for justice.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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