Thursday, December 3, 2009

Peter Mandelson eyes other job opportunities because Gordon Brown is dragging Labour over the cliff to destruction

Dear All

Things are really bad for Gordon Brown and New Labour.

The Prince of Darkness, currently Business Secretary Lord Mandelson has confirmed he had wanted to become the EU's first "foreign secretary".

Mandelson knows to ‘beware the Ides of March’ because the writing is clearly on the wall of Westminister.

Two words, Tory Government.

And who wants to stick around for that?

Mind you, if he is between jobs then he could claim £200 a day for being at the House of Lords to help pay the bills.

Mandelson previously was an EU Trade Commissioner after being hand picked for the job by his New Labour pal; Tony Blair.

This and other hand picked appointments expose that New Labour isn’t about meritocracy, they are about cronyism.

My theme of a corrupt Britain is bore out.

Having said that Mandelson does have experience of the EU system and says he has an interest in Europe and foreign affairs.

The current holder of the EU Foreign Minister Post is someone who effectively has moved through the Labour controlled quango circuit.

Not someone of experience or diplomatic qualifications.

Lady Ashton is a dud.

In true Blairite damage limitation mood Mandelson has he was blocked from the job by French President Sarkozy.

I can’t see the French or Germans wanting someone like Mandelson, his star like Blair’s is on the wane.

If Mandelson is looking for ‘fresh challenges’ as they call it when booted out; he should look at the quango circuit in Britain to get a cosy £75,000 plus somewhere.

On reports that he was bounced by the French President; he said;

“Don't believe everything you read in the newspapers”.

Brave face time or what?

I can imagine that Mandelson is trying to give the impression everyone likes him but since he didn’t get it he said;

“I'm a member of this government and I'm committed to its success and its re-election and that's why I'm remaining a member of it."
Which begs the question of why he is looking around if he is so committed?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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