Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Moral maze question, two foreigners, Principal Anton Muscatelli covered up fraud and Precious Mhango innocent, which one should be deported?

Dear All

Come xmas time, the pressure is on in the season of goodwill to do the right thing, people make more of it at this time of year than any other.

But there are 52 weeks in a year.

So for those who stop by my little blog, I am asking you to do the right thing, write to Alan Johnson, Home Sec and ask for the release of Precious and Florence Mhango from detention and send them back home to Cranhill Glasgow.

I spent years doing charity work helping others for free and one of the things I have learned in my travels is that there is a hard core minority in the world, rotten to the core.

The people who don’t care about the rights of others who reach positions of power and who take delight in making people’s lives as unpleasant as possible, such as scum like Julie Ommer, Director of the Sport and Recreation Service, University of Glasgow, a bitter twisted nasty individual.

She is a liar; a bully and a thief who was involved in criminal fraud at a publicly funded charity were she currently works.

People like her and University of Glasgow Principal Anton Muscatelli represent part of a hardcore minority that like to deny ordinary people their rights while trying to present to the world they are decent individuals, the truth is quite different.

Anton Muscatelli is a team player, in my case that means doing nothing when criminal fraud is directly reported to him and doing nothing when the University of Glasgow covers it up.

The story of them and their involvement in criminal fraud can be found here.

Both Julie Ommer and Anton Muscatelli are pondlife.

But just as scum like Ommer and Muscatelli pollute Scottish society there are good people worth helping too.

Precious and Florence Mhango need your help and that of your family and friends.

I sent an email to the Home Office today asking Alan Johnson to help them but their problem is they have no real status and power so your help is needed now!

Here is the email I sent Alan Johnson below;

Dear Mr Johnson

I am writing to you to ask for the release from detention of Florence and Precious (Tionge) Mhango.

Precious Mhango and her mother are from Malawi but have become part of the Cranhill Community in Glasgow.

I am sure that others have contacted you in the hope that you will show compassion and return these people back to the Cranhill Community that has adopted them but I would like to add my protest at their detention.

Precious is 10 years old, for the last seven years she has known only Scotland as her home, it is I would say given the passage of time where she belongs.

Legally, I am sure your department is within the rules to kick her and her mother out of the UK; it is after all, the easiest thing to do it requires little thought and is time effective.

Precious and her mother are currently held in Yarls Wood, a detention centre, the decent thing to do is release them, grant them leave to remain and allow them to make a life here.

At present there has been an application for a judicial review but as we know in a court whoever tells the best story wins.

This little girl deserves better than the hope that her QC can tell a good story.

I would appeal to you to have her and her mother returned to Dungavel and then released back into the community so that they can spend xmas where the belong along side their neighbours and friends.

Give them the time to make their case, the arguments which they will present are worthy of presentation.

As always you have a choice here, I hope that you choose to do what I consider to be the right thing, return them to Glasgow.

All you have to do is instruct a civil servant and it’s off your desk.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. To many people in power do what is expedient. This little girl is in a detention center. A prison facility. Additionaly she is facing an uncertain future. All she has grown up with and become used too is now going to be for nothing as she is shipped off, "back home".

    Alan Johnson is currently ignoring any help be given to Garry Mc Kinnon also. A man who only caused embarassment to the Americans. But due to their vindictive system and ethos, we must hand him over.

    All using laws drawn up during Blairs "America's got talent", sycophancy period.

    If Mc Kinnon had been a saudi prince then no problem, fancy a weapons contract. But A mere citizen, then your on your own.

    The whole country is arse about face. We are lead by a self styled political class, bereft of any true talent. No humanity, dignity or shame in their words and "spin". Just little beurocrats.Too scared to live and experience. Hiding behind weasel words and forgetting the people they serve.


