Saturday, December 19, 2009

Moira Stuart should return to BBC news broadcasting, the BBC needs the best candidate, so they should go get her back

Dear All

The BBC is to hire some ‘old broads’ to read the news, sheer tokenism after they kicked them out the door in the first place.

Director General Mark Thompson has given news chiefs 12 months to recruit at least one woman in that age group to counter growing claims of ageism at the broadcaster.

12 months, don’t BBC personnel still have Moira Stuart’s details on file?

Let us look at the facts and a subjective opinion.

Moira Stuart is experienced, professional and excellent.

She was also badly treated.

In 2007; the BBC quite wrongly forced out a 'deeply hurt' Miss Stuart who had done more than 30 years service when she was dropped from her news reading role.

The BBC should send the Director General round personally and no matter how long it takes beg her to return.

And no shouldn’t be taken for an answer, Moira Stuart represents much more than a face reading the news to British society, she is a icon and role model.

It is sad but it was only after Moira Stuart was gone that she was really appreciated.

By chance I happened to see a recording of the programme, ‘I have got news for you’ which she guest hosted. She was fantastic, it was the star quality that the current crop don’t have, wit and timing and her interaction with guests was one of the best episodes I have seen.

So, I would hope that the BBC would do what it takes and rise to the challenge and offer her the loyalty she demonstrated over more than 30 years service.

She should be employed because she is the best.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. The BBC and ITV usualy go for yoof over wisdom.

    Bring back Moira!
