Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Labour MSP Wendy Alexander demands that the people suffer in order to put money into the pockets of big business, that's why she is labour

Dear All

Remember Wendy Alexander?

Famous for her numerous PR disasters, whether it’s herself, people she employs or people working for her.

Described as notoriously difficult to work for, it is said that Alexander had frequent rows with civil servants and was known for throwing tantrums.

Her biggest failure by far was the GHA, she was the political architect of this white elephant that she pushed through parliament at the same time living a life of luxury in the trendy west end of Glasgow.

And it was a failure that she walked away and left high and dry, the people of Glasgow suffered.

Now, having messed up the GHA, Alexander has set her sights on the ‘new white elephant’, she wants the SNP Government to reinstate the GARL project.

I wonder just off the top of my head, how many people in Paisley hold the necessary qualifications that allow them to work on railway lines?

See what I mean about Wendy Alexander, big on warped vision not very good on detail.

Along with her brother, Douglas Alexander who botched the May 2007 elections and Jim Sheridan, she is backing a call to reinstate the project.

Isn’t one total disaster and white elephant enough?

Alexander said;

“Labour has consistently insisted that the SNP reinstate the GARL project and now Scotland’s six leading business organisations have backed this position saying cancellation would be seriously damage Scotland’s economy”.

The SNP don’t take notice of Labour supporting sycophants who put big business before the people’s benefit.

Alexander’s record as I have touched on, isn’t impressive, it’s strong on failure. During her illegal donations scandal, it was noticeable that she was taking money from big business which surrounds Paisley. As the town centre was falling apart in decay, Alexander was accepting cash from organisations which in part destroyed it.

She is a true champagne socialist heroine.

She added;

“SNP Government now have the choice – they can reshape the budget to support jobs in Renfrewshire or they can continue to defy the overwhelming view that the GARL project is right for Renfrewshire, right for the economy and in Scotland’s best interests internationally.”

What Alexander means by reshaping the budget is cutting vital services for people, where is £200 million pounds going to come from?

Alexander doesn’t know or care.

One day the people of Paisley are going to vote this clown straight out of public office on to the street.

And it can’t come a day too soon.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. She is a carrerist and member of the self styled Political Class. Everything that is sick in Scottish society can be traced back to these selfless cretins.

    The rulers and the plebs.

  2. Dear Juan

    Blogging is getting dangerous, I have just read about subrosa and her problem.

    I have a stalker too and had to delete their posts, seems to be an oddball.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
