Monday, December 28, 2009

If knee jerk politics are the order of the day, it therefore falls that the SNP will get rid of Kevin Pringle and Rob Davidson

Dear All

‘Cheesegate, hold the fries’ has really caught the imagination of the Labour Party in the sticks of Dumfries and Galloway.

Ronnie Nicholson, a Labour councillor from Dumfries has decided to put a complaint into Permanent Secretary Sir John Elvidge regarding Kevin Pringle who works for the First Minister.

Nicholson as well as being a Councillor has been described as a “local low rent landlord” by Mark MacLachlan.

The Herald in the shape of Tom Gordon and Paul Hutcheon has done a sympathetic article about poor Kevin.

Pringle is said by colleagues to be 'exhausted' after running the SNP media operation for three years.

Is that an excuse for destroying MacLachlan’s career, too tired, too busy and too uncaring, a man weighed down by important matters?

Presumably since he is in communications he could have opened his mouth and asked for two assistants to share the burden.

Problem solved, yes it is really that simple.

As to the Labour complaint about Pringle’s role in ‘cheesegate’ it isn’t a resigning or firing matter.

It’s a slap on the wrist from Elvidge who is nothing more than a rubber stamp.

What is more serious for Pringle is the release of Mark MacLachlan’s email that showed Pringle drafted his resignation letter and suggested how the SNP should handle the affair.

This leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

If knee jerk politics are the order of the day, it therefore falls that the SNP will get rid of Kevin Pringle and Rob Davidson.

If not, does that send out a message to rank and file members that there is a difference between the party and those in power?

Loyalty of members put the SNP into Government.

As an SNP supporter, I am disgusted at the treatment of Mark MacLachlan; he was stupid but didn’t deserve to be sacked.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Fair comment George. I said much the same myself at the time.

  2. Dear Tris

    I would hope that the SNP 'management' reflect on what has been done here.

    I find it incredibly disappointing that such a simple employee problem was so mismanaged.

    I have been trying to explain to some people that the solution to a problem isn't creating another problem.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. It is fairly shameful they have allowed hectoring to get in the way of doing the right thing.

    One of the SNP's admirable qualities for me was a lot less spin. Playing too the monkeys has not done them well on this occasion.

    Hanging an employee out to dry and media trial is wrong. Not fighting and upholding his rights in the face of an opposition and hostile media using it for ill gain.

    Labour are shameless.

    The world is laughing at the Scottish media and the 'British Democracy'. With A media attempting to tell scots what's what in the face of facts or truth.

    How very colonial.
