Monday, December 28, 2009

Dr Martin Drennan refuses to resign in Catholic Church child sex scandal, he should be removed from office by the Pope

Dear All

Recently, I commented on the Murphy Report into Priests being involved in sexual abuse of children which the Catholic Church and authorities covered up.

It is my contention that those who covered up the abuse in the Catholic Church should go, all of them.

The fracturing of the breaking of trust has made their positions untenable.

So far, four bishops have stepped down.

A fifth named in the Murphy Report, the Bishop of Galway Dr Martin Drennan does not intend to resign, according to his diocesan communications manager Fr Seán McHugh.

If the Bishop of Galway doesn’t step down, he should be removed by the Pope.

This refusal is stopping the Church and the people of Ireland turning the necessary corner in the process of healing and moving forward.

The continual presence of Dr Martin Drennan reeks of arrogance and denial to face the problem, it isn’t going away.

He has to go.

If he won’t go voluntary then he should be formally sacked from his position.

Andrew Madden, one of the victims’ recently stated after the resignation of Bishop Donal Murray in relation to the other four Bishops named in the Murphy Report;

“Their continued presence in office is an insult to every child sexually abused by a priest in the Dublin Archdiocese.”

It is said that self sacrifice for the good of others is part of what the Catholic Church tries to teach others, in thinking about the wider community.

The Bishop of Galway should remember that lesson and go.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It amazes me that they have to be pushed to go when they have broken the law by concealing some of the worst crimes.

    They shoold all be behind bars for what they did, never mind deciding whether or not to resign.

    Sack him and march him down to the police station, and if the Irish police are too scared to take action against a Bishop, take him to the Vatican and let the Vatican police deal with him.


    We participate in the sin of another: by counsel; by command; by consent; by provocation; by praise or flattery; by concealment; by partaking; by silence; by defense of the ill done.

  3. The following is from website

    "The Murphy Report (November 2009) mentions Bishop Drennan's name in connection with only one case. In that case suspicions and concerns (not allegations of child sexual abuse) about a certain Fr Guido were brought to Bishop Drennan's attention as a time when the latter was an Auxialiary Bishop of Dublin.

    The Murphy Report concludes about that particular case: "The archdiocese acted correctly in immediately addressing the concerns and suspicions in this case. It did everything possible to assist Fr Guido to address the issues of concern and, when it was clear that a limited ministry was not possible, it helped him to get started on another career." (Murphy Report, p620)

    Nevertheless there were demands in the media that Bishop Drennan resign. .....

    In other words the Murphy Report made no criticism of any kind of Bishop Drennan.
