Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Does Tony Blair pay tax on his benefit in kind SO1 protection while he is doing commerical work?

Dear All

It costs the UK Taxpayers, £6,000,000 a year to protect a war criminal.

That is the continual cost to safeguard Tony Blair.

Blair recently was using his ‘I’m a man of god don’t you know’ to preach about going without to ordinary people.

Isn’t it time that the security was pulled from Blair for his foreign trips?

The countries making up Britain are in recession so Blair should shoulder the burden.

We are paying for Blair to line his pockets that is unacceptable.

On top of the money aspect is the time of 20 officers to protect him.

Now, people at Whitehall are increasing concerned at the costs, since Blair was forced out by the Brownite faction; he has pocketed £18,000,000.

When is Blair going to pay up for Britain?

He earns about £100,000 for speeches around the world; he isn’t short of a bob or two.

The Government should pull all security from Blair for his foreign business trips.

Does Blair declare this benefit in kind to the taxman?

That is an interesting question which I am sure people might be willing to ask officially as this relates to Blair’s private ‘Rent a Blair’ gigs.

I am wondering is tax due?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. He's probably got himself non dom status. I doubt someone like him pays taxes like mere mortals....

  2. Dear Tris

    If publishing a question like does he pay tax on his benefit in kind costs him money, it's a start.

    I hope someone picks this up and runs with it.

    This sycophant of America should be rotting in a cell for his involvement in cause the deaths of many innocent Iraqis.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Just done a wee article over at my place on his accounts.

  4. He's got a nice little setup with his Windrush companies.

    What mugs this man and his wife have made of us. She's the one who pushed for the Human Rights Act which protects criminals and does little for the rest of us.

  5. Dear Subrosa

    You are quite correct, the people who the Human Rights Act 1998 have been shut out of justice.

    Scum like Sir Muir Russell and Anton Muscatelli prosper.

    It's a corrupt country.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
