Saturday, December 19, 2009

Another soldier dies in Afghanistan, Labour Government's legacy of death continues, bring the troops home now!

Dear All

Another British soldier from 2nd Battalion, The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, has been killed in Afghanistan.

This is a tragic death and my sympathy is with his family for their loss.

The soldier died from his wounds sustained in a blast while on foot patrol in the Nad-e-Ali area of central Helmand on Saturday.

A total of 240 UK service personnel have died in Afghanistan since 2001, too many brave men have lost their lives for a worthless cause, including 103 this year.

Everyone should take up the call to bring the British Forces safely home to the UK.

The war in Afghanistan is unwinnable; it is only the stubbornness of the Labour Government that stands between keeping the troops safe.

British Forces have suffered a huge list of causalities and dead this year; we can only help them by campaigning for their return and donating to charities such as Erskine Hospital.

If you can spare time or donate money, then you will be helping a lot of people who would be truly grateful.

Our soldiers deserve better.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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