Monday, September 13, 2010

Glasgow Labour Councillors of shame use chauffeur driven cars as their personal taxis, people pay up for Glasgow but it is funnelled to Glasgow Labour

Dear All

The City of Glasgow is sinking under sleaze from the Labour Council of shame; hardly a week goes by when they don’t make the papers.

The latest revelation isn’t really a revelation but more a conformation of what we already know.

Glasgow Labour Party operate the City of Glasgow for their personal benefit, whether it be jobs and contracts for family, friends and labour donors to soaking up the perks of elected office to the hilt.

Watching Labour Councillors of shame is like watching a starving man attack a plate of food using slices of bread to soak up the last of the food at speed and without finesse.

Glasgow Labour Councillors of shame think they are something special to that end they use chauffeur-driven cars to take them to pop concerts, luxury restaurants, football matches and private gyms.

And the price for that is your Council tax.

Remember the slogan ‘Pay up for Glasgow’?

You’re actually paying for the Glasgow Labour Party to live in luxury.

When people think their Labour Councillors of shame are going the ‘extra’ mile, they are actually can’t be bothered to walk five minutes on the flat to even the train station.

The former leader of the Labour Council of shame is ‘Prince of Powder’ Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell; he put the city through his ‘reign of hell’ before fleeing the city from the Police when his drug past came to the fore.

Purcell was busy destroying infrastructure and jobs has he set about his version of Glaswegian jihad against residents.

As part of his perks, disgraced leader Steven Purcell regularly took a limo to go to the gym so he could work out.

Obviously he didn’t value walking as a warm up or perhaps he thought he was too important to walk the city streets in case he was mobbed like a pop star.

He probably thought that his image as a future First Minister demanded it.

Another trip by Purcell was from the Hilton to the city’s Kabana restaurant, perhaps someone told him of the ‘Golden hour’ immediately after training when the body is primed to absorb food to fuel and repair muscles.

Or it could be that after his work out he wanted to get to another ‘trough’.

Looking previously at his register of interests, Purcell was a keen attendee of football matches, paid for by others naturally. In fact he spent so much time at matches; he could have got a part time position as a football scout.

Live for the ‘Prince of Powder’ was wonderful, free transport to the gym, football matches, the troughs, pop concerts and award ceremonies.

This probably explains why Glasgow was so poorly run.

As well as Purcell using free transport, other Labour colleagues were also in on the act, Jim McNally, now the city treasurer, got a chauffeur to take him to the exclusive Chardon d’Or restaurant and to Gleneagles for a meeting.

Alistair ‘heart attack Ali’ Watson, of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport fame was driven last year from the City Chambers to Central Station, this was probably a study on the difference between road journeys and train.

His excuse for using a car as he was running late for a train, get the next one!

Jonathan ‘three pay packets’ Findlay, took a car to Ibrox on for an Old Firm match and then onwards for a feed at One Devonshire Gardens.

Findlay’s excuse is a cracker he was invited to Ibrox as chairman of the Sense over Sectarianism body, and he went to the restaurant as part of a “culinary excellence” event for students.

Purcell clone, Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson, Labour’s new council leader of shame was driven to the Open Championship at Turnberry.

It’s a sick joke and it is time the people of Glasgow decided to take back their city from the Glasgow Labour Party.

Churchill once said that:

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”.

In Glasgow, it is the opposition:

‘Never in the field of human suffering have so few ripped off so many for so long’.

It’s time for change.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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