Friday, September 17, 2010

Are we being served, Scottish Enterprise services an ‘elite’ 2,500 businesses but 28,000 others left hanging, Lena Wilson has questions to answer

Dear All

It is not what you but who you know in corrupt Scotland that gets you ahead.

As I frequently say, we live in a corrupt country.

So what does it say that Scottish Enterprise is supporting what is said to be an ‘elite’ band of 2,500 companies to the exclusion of 28,000 others?

It’s not what you but who you know.

Through-out Scotland there is more than one enterprise agency supposedly assisting small businesses.

There should only be one.

Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise should be merged together forming one complete unit rather like movement to a single Scottish Police Force.

Scotland is a small country and doesn’t need separate Enterprise agencies just people who do their jobs properly.

At present Holyrood's economy, energy and tourism committee is looking into the future of the country's economic development agencies, their recommendation should be merger.

And the evidence for such a merger comes from criticism that they are only helping an elite group of 2,500 companies.

So, what has gone wrong at Scottish Enterprise and who is responsible?

Does the Chief Executive Lena Wilson who has worked her way up the management ladder have some explaining to do?

I would say yes, and the Holyrood MSPs should be asking her questions about the culture of Scottish Enterprise, this didn’t just happen.

Small companies claim they feel unsupported and as we know, little companies are the focus of their local economy providing much more than just jobs, they are the heart of the community.

So, why don’t little companies do not fit the agencies' criteria?

Scottish Enterprise stung by criticism fired back that almost half its budget is spent on programmes that cover all of Scotland.

Unfortunately the issue of 28,000 businesses not supported is the nub.

And you could throw in what about the other half of the budget?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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